Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

unit 1_discussion 1_Technology Society and Culture

unit 1_discussion 1_Technology Society and Culture

Q Question: This week, the reading and lesson trace a number of ethical theories that we will encounter and explore this session. These include the following. • Utilitarianism • Deontology • Ethical Intuitionism • Virtue Ethics • Ethical Non-Cognitivism • Ethical Contractarianism As we begin our discussion this week, select one theory of ethics to apply to the case study in Chapter 2 ("Evaluating a Case Study: Developing a Practical Ethical Viewpoint"). Based on your selected ethical theory, what are the main ethical concerns?

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I have chosen scenario #2 from the above-mentioned case analysis and I would like to apply Deontology. This ethical theory helps in distinguishing the right from the wrong and follows the rule of moral values and teaches us not to lie or cheat in any way possible. In the case, it was seen that on one side Mr. Big had saved a man for getting drowned and on the other hand, Mrs. Little had performed a kind act of charity in the United Way Campaign.