Assignment Homework Bank Legal



Copyright policy - The Assignment Homework faction of the Company prioritizes Copyright policy here. You are at the right page if you are looking for data and tools that will help you to get a grip over your rights on the Assignment Homework platform. It will not only guide you to uphold and respect the rights of your own but also of other creators.

Assignment Homework reserves the right to remove any material or block access to it if we think that it has been illegally copied or distributed by any of our members, users, content providers, affiliated or advertisers. The services that Assignment Homework is providing are always subject to our terms of use.

Academic Integrity is another prime pillar of online study. With the easy and quick access to the internet, copying from other’s materials without giving the author his or her due credit is not acceptable. When using services like Assignment Homework where we have got course specific study resources, it is absolutely essential to be aware of the school’s expectations and their academic integrity policies. All colleges and universities demand original works done by the student. Authenticity and Citation top the list of terms and conditions marked under Honor code by the educational institutions. We are definitely here to help you all with course specific study materials but you are also bound by our Copyright Policy, Honor code and most importantly, Terms of Use.

Honor Code - Assignment Homework Bank is here to guide you for a better grade experience and expand your knowledge beyond the expected. We have got experts from different fields of study to help with new topics, ideas, concepts and homeworks. We do not expect our users to directly copy paste the solution and produce them as their own work. We always prioritize individual college or instructor’s academic code of conduct over any other code. You must respect and follow our Honor code and make this a successful attempt to widen the sphere of knowledge and not misuse it in any way. Immediate and appropriate actions will be taken against anyone who disobeys the Honor Code and promotes any kind of illegal activities or cheating.
