Assignment Homework Bank Privacy Concerns

Privacy Concerns

Privacy Concerns

At Assignment Homework Bank, your privacy is our primary concern. If you are wondering about your personal data and how we are using them, please go through the details of our privacy policy here. If you are taking any help or accessing our Services in any way, you must first acknowledge that you are willing to accept the policies and practices mentioned below, and you hereby will give consent that will allow us to gather, use and share your information as highlighted in this Privacy Policy.

Please keep in mind that our services that you will be using is at all times subject to our Terms of Use, which incorporates this Privacy Policy. If you come across any terms used in the Policy that have been not defined, you will definitely get it in the Terms of Use.

We try our best to address all your concerns. If you still think some data use concern or unresolved privacy concern bothers you, please contact our dispute resolution provider (Free of charge) at

As per the implemented data privacy laws, rules and regulations any personal information or data that relates to any specific individual and also covers “personally identifiable information” or personal information” is recognized as “Personal data” which needs to be secured. Our Privacy policy elaborates the way we treat such personal data collected when someone utilize our services. We basically collect or get access to your personal data when you create an account providing us with your details or when you are accessing our services. In the second case, the personal data gets stored automatically in our system. Such collection of personal data is used to customize and improve our future services, to correspond with you when required, to promote our services and to enforce legal terms. We will take or use no personal data for any incompatible purposes without your consent.

We assure complete data security by protecting your personal data from unauthorized use or access and for that we guarantee technical, physical, administrative and organizational security measures.

If you want to secure your personal data, please go through the following procedures:

  • Keep your username, password and sign on mechanisms private. Kindly do not share them with anyone
  • Always log out after you are finished accessing your account
  • Limit access to your device or browser.

We may share your data with our research analyst to keep track of how you use our services or for the purpose of customer support. Your data will be helpful for us for marketing and promotional services to check your engagements with our services, website, products, and advertisement. Our payment processing partners PayPal and Razorpay collect the card information provided from your end to process the necessary payment. Please check their terms of use and privacy policy to get information about storage of personal data. There is no refund policy once the user has subscribed to any particular plan.

Your personal data stays with us as long your account with us remains active, or necessary in order to serve you with our resources. Exceptions include legal obligations or payment- related disputes when we are bound to retain your personal data for longer. We have no intention to sell you personal data.

We surely do our best to protect and secure your account along with your personal data but no method of data transmission over the internet is 100% secure. That is why, it is said “Prevention is always better cure.”

Contact Information –

In case you have any other suggestion regarding our privacy policy, please drop us a mail at
