Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

team work eric

team work eric

Q What was the purpose of the assigned project? Description and discussion of the tool/concept/methodology Why the tool/concept/methodology would be used in organizations When (i.e what stage of a DMAIC or Lean project) the tool/concept/methodology would be used

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The purpose of the project is to help all of the team member to complete their assigned tasks within a scheduled deadline. The purpose of the project is to help the employees with the help of software and hardware for doing work from home. In current scenario of the world, it is needed for every company to provide the work from home facilities to the employees and the project will help to identify this particular purpose. Description and discussion of the tool/concept/methodology The tool that will be used in this project is nominal group technique. This particular technique can be considered as a structured method for group to brainstorm. In this way, there will be encouragement from every group member for facilitating a quick agreement on the relative