Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

What Means Switch Assignment

What Means Switch Assignment

Q Pages Summary: Provide a Brief Summary of this section of the text. uote: Pick a passage from this text. This should be something that stands out or made you feel something. Reaction: Why did you choose this Quote? What made it special?

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Page 1 to 5 holds the struggle of an adult girl who was unable to match her in the place she was currently living. She wanted to be socially accepted and she was ready to do each and everything for that. She tried to be fit and act just like her classmates do but she was still having a sense of being from other places amidst others. She made all the action to impress others but she was not very success at the beginning. She was desperately searching for the ways which will make her peers happy. She simply wanted to reject her origin and wanted to show her as completely of American origin. But naturally she failed in doing so.