Student Solution


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Week Six Discussion: Race and Gender

Week Six Discussion: Race and Gender

Q Please post thoughtful responses and comments to the following questions. Watch the video, 'Why Gender Equality Is Good for Everyone — Men Included' under the Week 6 Content. Summarize the major ideas and discussion your reaction of the video. Define the meaning of sex and gender. Why do sociologists find it important to differentiate between sex and gender? What importance does the differentiation have in modern society? Explain the differences between race and ethnicity. Give your own example of race and ethnicity that illustrate the differences. Define the concepts of prejudice and discrimination and discuss how they are related to each other. Can you provide an example for prejudice and discrimination respectively? How can we resolve prejudice and discrimination in our society? Gender inequality in the workplace is manifest in several ways. Provide examples of gender inequality in the workplace, and discuss possible causes of this gender inequality. Review the official racial categories recognized by the U.S. government. Is there a category of people for which there is no racial category? Discuss the problem with racial categories. You can share your own case if applicable.

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Sex is the physical or physiological characteristic that differentiates between a male and a female (OpenStax College, 2014). Sex is a biological characteristic, and people are born with natural features (OpenStax College, 2014). Gender, on the other hand, is a social attribute where the identification of males and females is not a biological aspect but a category made by society. Sociologists find it essential to differentiate between sex and gender as a person might be born with male features or female features.