Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 7 Assignment (2)

Week 7 Assignment (2)

Q To complete the Communication Portfolio Assignment, compose a cohesive document that addresses the following: • Determine an appropriate communication strategy for the team. Here are some ideas/considerations: o Group e-mail o Team huddle (or meeting) o Formal letter o Individual face-to-face meetings or phone calls • Address the following to help you find the most appropriate strategy: o Describe criteria for evaluating the delivery of the bad news message in terms of what is within your control. o Compare and contrast the different channels with regard to effective delivery of this news. o Summarize some of the principles of effective delivery. o What is the tone for the communication? • Once you have determined your communication strategy, use the following to develop a communication plan: o Compose an opening statement (3–4 sentences to frame the communication). ? This statement is what you would use to start your communication in a one-on-one capacity, through e-mail, or at a group meeting. ? If you choose to host a one-on-one, identify which employee is receiving the message. o Compose the body of your message using the most appropriate techniques for delivering bad news. o Conclude your communication plan and be sure to address any next steps or follow-up items.

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This is something that will not be liked by the employees of Anthony’s Orchard. Therefore telling this information or news to them is a huge task and should be done with a proper communication plan. No matter what the news is about if it is not delivered to the person concerned in the proper manner, through proper channel and at proper time then everything will fall apart. But in contrast no matter how bad the news seems if it is communicated to the person in a proper manner then everything will remain in control. Thus, it all depends upon the communication and the choice of the channel.