Firstly, When ever I heard about the word "Organic
Week 5 Test Quest 3
Q Why does Socrates ridicule the question, "How are we to bury you?" What assumptions does he make about his own identity that warrants his favorable attitude toward death?
When Socrates was asked this question, he dismissed the same in a spirit of mirth. If a person identifies himself with his body, he will certainly feel that his existence will come to an end with the destruction of the body. However, if he recognizes himself as the eternal self within the body, he will be certain of the fact that his existence will not end when the body dies. Socrates was quite aware of this truth. He understood that he was not the body, on the contrary only a spark of life temporarily inhabiting the body. He was not concerned with what would happen to his body once he dies and thus the manner in which he would be buried was of least of his interests.