Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

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Week 5 Group Project Part 1

Week 5 Group Project Part 1

Q Assignment Instructions Week 5: Strategic Marketing Plan: Part 1 (110 points) i. This assessment aims to help students apply, integrate, evaluate and synthesize theories and concepts learned in Strategic Marketing. Students will create a strategic marketing plan for supporting the summary presentation. The project is designed for groups of 4 to 6 students. o o As a group, complete and submit Part 1 of your Strategic Marketing Plan. See rubric for details. Week 6: Strategic Marketing Plan: Part 2 (110 points) Week 7: Strategic Marketing Plan Presentation (50 points) Due Last Day of Term Week 7: Group Evaluation (20 points) - Each student must complete evaluation and grade is individual. Due Last Day of Term.

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Executive Summary Our company's strategic marketing plan helps us reach a wider audience and get more market share. Tesla's mission is to "drive the world's transition to electric cars by creating the most compelling car company of the 21st century" (Tesla, n.d.). Our marketing plan provides Tesla with a strategy for achieving its corporate and financial objectives. The plan is broken up into pieces, each of which focuses on one of the following company’s background and competition; PEST analysis; competitor review and SWOT analysis; competitive advantages and strategic focus; vision, mission, and values; segmentation and target market; and product strategies, pricing, and implementation plan.