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Week 5 Chapter 11 Discussion Question 11

Week 5 Chapter 11 Discussion Question 11

Q Week 5 - Discussion Question # 11 - Chapter 11 You must post threads in which you respond to each question twice. Your initial response of a paragraph and you will also be replying to another student’s thread of at least one paragraph. One important note about the Discussion Questions: I expect everyone to provide at least a one paragraph thoughtful, well-articulated responses to each of the questions. Do not post an answer to something simply by reading someone’s post and saying “Yes, I agree". Your responses must be original and at least one paragraph in length. • What factors go into play when an individual, adult or juvenile decides to use marijuana? We have not done a very good job of keeping marijuana and marijuana products out of the hands of our youth. How can we do better?

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Many people think of cannabis (or marijuana) as a benign drug with only minimal drawbacks that can be endured when used for therapeutic and recreational purposes (e.g., Zimmer & Morgan, 1997). Cannabis is depicted in popular culture in a way that is likely intended to be innocuous and even humorous, which feeds permissive ideas about the substance. Others, however, contend that there are a variety of negative effects connected to cannabis usage that may eventually lead to a serious public health issue if its use increases.