Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 4: Fluid and Electrolytes

Week 4: Fluid and Electrolytes

Q Week 4: Fluid and Electrolytes 5959 unread replies.8989 replies. For discussions, create a 1- to 2-minute multimedia piece (for example, a video, poster, narrated PowerPoint, etc.) of your choosing and post it to the discussion to respond to the above question. Besides posting your individual multimedia piece, you must comment on two other students' multimedia pieces. (You are not required to record your comments, but can choose to use the text comment feature.) Check out this TedEd Animation lesson: "What would happen if we didn't drink water?" (Links to an external site.) Calculate your individual fluid needs in cups per day. How did you arrive at your answer? Why is hydration so important to our survival?

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I used the provided link to calculate the daily water intake in my daily life. (Links to an external site.) Also I used another tool for calculating water intake which is as follows: