Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 4, Discussion Topic 3

Week 4, Discussion Topic 3

Q Topic 3: Information Summary from One or More Secondary Sources In this topic post, you will be talking about your actual findings for your Senior Capstone Project from one or more secondary sources. Post a summary of the information that you learned from a source OR post a summary of the information that you learned about a specific topic from several sources. Your summary here should be at least 500 words. (For those of you who are doing the Media Kit, your response to this question will help you to begin drafting your Backgrounder.) You may want to discuss how this information fits into your research scope, or how your audience may react to this information, or any other relevant concerns or ideas that you have. Why am I asking you to do this? Because writing about your ideas and the information in this manner--well ahead of the final project draft--will help you gain control over the ideas and the language that you will use to write about these ideas in your final project. The more you write about your ideas now, the easier it will be to draft the final project. Include a list of your source(s) in APA style titled "References." Please post your initial response to this discussion prompt by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on Wednesday, changing the title of your post to include your name and your project's proposed topic. Then, respond to the initial posts of at least two other students by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on Saturday. Continue your conversations through the end of the course week.

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I have got new insights from my chosen secondary sources for my Senior Capstone Project. One of the sources would be Harbus, A. (2018). The Long View. Expressive Minds and Artistic Creations: Studies in Cognitive Poetics. In this book, there is a thorough illustration and explanation of how the emotional aspect of the human mind can be utilized and applied artistically in order to ensure that there is more of positive creation and positive innovation rather than negative criticism or negative innovation. Negative innovation would mean to obtain new insights from research done by someone in a negative way or in a way which would be harmful for most of the members of the society and would never be prospective for most of the members of the society.