Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 4 Take a Stand

Week 4 Take a Stand

Q 1. If you had to decide the case of the drug sniffing dog, how would you have ruled? Do you think that the homes should have stronger privacy expectations than cars or school lockers? Even when it concerns illegal drug? 2. How would you answer Justice Alito’s question about the expectation of privacy in an era of rapidly changing technology? When should law enforcement officials have to get a warrant to monitor our behavior?

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I feel that a drug sniffing dog is not more invasive than a surveillance technology that we encounter on a regular basis. The court has passed the decision that the police do not need a search warrant to have a drug sniffing dogs that can search luggage at airport or at any traffic signal where the car has been stopped and a sniffing dog is passing. The sniffing dog is not considered searches in some of the hotel hallways or school locker or outside a passenger train’s sleeper.