Student Solution


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Week 4 Discussion Summary

Week 4 Discussion Summary

Q Please conclude this week's assignment by summarizing its content and applying what you have learned to your personal and professional life. Please address the following three questions: • What are the key points that were presented in this chapter? Provide a summary (1 page). • Out of the many possible topics that could be addressed in an introductory course in Environmental Law, why do you think this topic was chosen for inclusion in this course? • How might this week’s topic affect you both professionally and personally?

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The case of North Caroline, ex rel. Cooper v. Tennessee Valley Authority, demonstrates that the plaintiff state of North Carolina through its attorney general filed this complaint in contradiction to the Tennessee Valley Authority just for the purpose of addressing smoky discharge that pollutes the air from TVA’s coal fired electric generating units which has been installed within few electric generating station which is located in Tennessee, Alabama as well as Kentucky. The plaintiff in perspective to the case did assert that these kind of smoky discharge adversely throw impact upon the health and welfare of the citizens of North Carolina for the reason of destructing the natural resources and causing harm to the economy of the country.