Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 3 Forum 1

Week 3 Forum 1

Q Many organizations adopt a targeted recruitment strategy. For example, some organizations have targeted workers 50 and older in their recruitment efforts, which includes advertising specifically in media outlets frequented by older individuals. Other organizations target recruitment messages at women, minorities, or those with desired skills. Do you think targeted recruitment systems are fair? Why or why not?

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Targeted recruitment strategy is the strategy which will help the organization in recruiting only those candidates which are suitable as per the requirement of the job and position that are available in the organization. It is not correct to term this type of strategy as a wrong and unfair strategy for they have their own benefits for the organization and on the other hand, it is not harming anyone with its effect. This strategy will help an organization with finding the specific candidate which will save time and energy of the organization in great level.