Student Solution


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Week 12 Discussion Oral presentations

Week 12 Discussion Oral presentations

Q Week 12 Discussion: Oral presentations 77 unread replies.77 replies. Public speaking, like giving oral presentations, can be very intimidating and scary for a lot of people. For your main post, share with us any experiences you've had with giving oral presentations. How did it go? Were you comfortable or nervous? What are some tips you have for preparing to give a presentation, as well as getting through it and successfully completing the presentation.

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I have had experiences in my high school in case of giving oral presentations. I had been very nervous during the delivery of my first oral presentation. I had started my oral presentation with a nervous voice and a tone with lack of confidence. The audience had been my instructor and my peer students in my high school. However, still I had been nervous because the oral presentation would be graded by my instructor after the completion of the delivery of the presentation by me. I had made eye contact with many of my peer students and had lost concentration because they had been making faces at me.