Student Solution


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1 Course

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Week 1 Learn Activity 1

Week 1 Learn Activity 1

Q Learning Activity #1: Exercises: In reviewing Chapter one, you had the opportunity to review the 5 Ps described by Henry Mintzberg and enhance your understanding of the various ways in which firms conceptualize strategy. 1) Define Strategy as it applies to what you understand and what you learned in your reading. 2) Research and consider an organization which employs the 5 P's as strategy. Name and describe the organization. Define and identify an example of each of the 5 Ps of strategy for an organization other than the examples offered in the course material of Chapter one. You may research an organization via the Internet or use the course material to gain additional perspective on an organization you are familiar with. Be specific and detailed as you address the 5 P's: Plan, Ploy, Pattern, Position, Perspective. Be sure to cite any references used.

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The strategy is something like a plan that we make for an organization for making it do better in the field of the market with various customers. It is the device that makes the organization move forward and does well and excel in their field of business. According to Michael Porter who says that many organization misunderstands strategy by which they make the strategy to compete in the market with their competitor and be best in the market but Porter says strategy does not mean to be best in the market for each and every organization is good at what they are producing and there is no best in the market.