Student Solution


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Water Apocalypse

Water Apocalypse

Q As you watch the Water Apocalypse video, please answer the questions below: 1. What happens to a community when it runs out of water? 2. What consumes the majority of California's water supply? 3. Drain water is salty and digging a well is expensive. What is the sustainable solution that is proposed to bring more water to California? 4. What was the Big Dry in Australia? Regular desalinization is too expensive for the country to use as an alternative. What solution was being tested in the video? How is this solution more sustainable? 5. Having access to a lot of water is useless if that water supply is dirty. How does water in developing countries get contaminated? How does a lack of clean water harm a developing country? 6. What solution was being used to capture water in Ethiopia? 7. How is water reused in Peroria? 8. What happened to the Salton Sea in California? How does this region represent the potential issues facing California if we do not have enough water?

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1. What happens to a community when it runs out of water? The population decreases as people move out of town because the lack of water and it turns into a rundown town. Almost turns into a ghost town. 2. What consumes the majority of California's water supply? Farming consumes 80% of the water In California’s water supply.