Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject



Q Throughout this course you have completed a variety of self assessments, learned about leadership and management skills, applied for a leadership position, and interviewed a nurse leader. In this final reflection Discussion board, share a critique of you leadership and management skills. Also answer the following: To what extent were you able to integrate leadership and management theory into your responses and assignments throughout the course? How will this course assist you in reaching the goals you identified in your introduction? What is next in terms of your ongoing development as a leader and a manager? How will you include the IOM report in your plan?

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Leadership is very important part in any healthcare as healthcare is a service industry where providing service is the main aim, because a leader takes care of his team and the team takes care of the consumers. Managers are leaders are different as where managers focus mainly on how the things are going and managing the challenges related to one process; leaders are there to take care of the team and maintaining good relationship with the team(Pullen, 2016). Also leaders encourage the team and help in order to produce leaders for the future.