Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

W4DQ2_Writing and Critical Thinking

W4DQ2_Writing and Critical Thinking

Q What values guide your life and where did they come from? Provide examples of some experiences where you learned about values. If a person does not have role models in life to teach him/her values, can they be learned from other sources? Do your values influence your behavior? Why or why not? How does Ottawa University’s Mission Statement correlate with your personal philosophy?

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I think values are extremely important part of my life as they provide me the basic guidelines to live a happy and healthy life. Some of my values include compassion, empathy and forgiveness. In my case, I noticed that holding a grudge against someone hurts me the most than anyone else in the world and thus, I try to forgive even when the person is not asking for it.