Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Values Inventory

Values Inventory

Q Assignment: Complete the attached Values Inventory and respond to the questions in the assignments folder.Step 1: Identify the times when you were happiest? Find examples from both your career and personal life. This will ensure some balance in your answers. What were you doing??Were you with other people? Who??What other factors contributed to your happiness? Step 2: Identify the times when you were most proud Use examples from your career and personal life. Why were you proud??Did other people share your pride? Who??What other factors contributed to your feelings of pride? Step 3: Identify the times when you were most fulfilled and satisfied Again, use both work and personal examples. What need or desire was fulfilled??How and why did the experience give your life meaning? What other factors contributed to your feelings of fulfillment?

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High Value Value Low Value Value Description Life Life An appreciation and respect for all living things Compassion Compassion Understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it Freedom Freedom The power to act, speak, or think without externally imposed restraints Dedication Dedication The act of binding yourself to a course of action Creativity Creativity A high degree of innovation and originality Accountability Accountability Be obliged to answer for one’s own actions Work Work Deriving great value from your job