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Unit4 DQ1_20th Century Art

Unit4 DQ1_20th Century Art

Q • What was the nature of Duchamp’s work to traditional definitions of art? • Does it matter that the “original” Fountain was tossed out after it was withdrawn from the exhibition? • Why do you suppose the artist signed the work using a pseudonym?

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To traditional definitions of art, Duchamp’s work was seen as a plagiarism. If we define traditional art, it would mean visual art like sculpture or a painting that was the work of someone’s imagination or created by someone which was completely new. So when Duchamp took the idea of a urinal and placed it in the exhibition naming the ‘Fountain’, it was not seen as traditional art because he did not create it rather it was someone else’s work. Duchamp took an object from daily life and placed it in the exhibition hoping that it was seen with other perspective and not its usual significance. He believed that once naming it and signing it, it would no longer be seen as a urinal but it would be see or interpreted differently, however, his efforts failed for at least that point of time.