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Unit VII DQ_Critical Thinking

Unit VII DQ_Critical Thinking

Q Unit VII Discussion Board Question How much does your perception of the narrator of your selected film influence your evaluation of the "truth" of the argument that the film makes? Explain why (and be sure to list your movie and narrator). After answering this question, post at least one question of your own, focusing on other issues discussed in Chapter 7 that you also see as part of the film.

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We have come to Week 7 and this week’s chapter is Reasoning Critically. This chapter is in close alignment with the movie I have chosen. For this week I chose “Supersize Me”. It is a documentary directed, produced and written by Morgan Spurlock. Here he tries to explore the effect of fast food on our body. He for one month consumes nothing but Mc Donald food and the movie proceeds to show the health effects it has on Spurlock. Two major themes are touched upon in this documentary- one is the corporate influence of the fast food industry and the other, two- promotion of poor nutrition just for profits.