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Unit 3 Hauptmann Video Lecture

Unit 3 Hauptmann Video Lecture

Q Directions Based upon the Dr. Emily Hauptmann video and the corresponding related material, in a 500 to 1000 word essay, discuss key points, including ways the lecture relates to Unit 3 course material and the world news story in Discussion 3. Submit paper by Sunday at 11:59. Please see the syllabus for other applicable information. Video Download the transcript of Dr. Emily Hauptmann video lecture Download transcript of Dr. Emily Hauptmann video lecture. You may access the video by going to: Dr. Emily Hauptmann.

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In our Unit 3, there were the lessons dealing with the impact that the decision of the public organization had on those who were troubled by their policy decisions. It also dealt with the civic organizations who were working towards the same goals, the way they achieved their goals and how they exercised their values. The video lecture was by Dr. Emily Hauptman used “Fighting Words: How Political Scientists and the Big Foundations Defined ‘Democracy’ During the Cold War” to showcase the fact how the public and the private organizations were wrapped around each other via public opinions, interest groups, conflicts and effectiveness (Hauptman 2020).