Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Unit 1 Discussion_Art History I

Unit 1 Discussion_Art History I

Q In the video from the British Museum, curator Jill Cook states that the female figurines are representative of women throughout all the different ages in a woman's life. What are your thoughts on this in comparison to what your text and the Powerpoint say on the theories behind the Woman from Willendorf?

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After seeing the video and reading the book and watching the power points I feel that these figures were not representatives of women but mere crafts made by people. It did not show different ages of women’s life rather t concentrated on a woman’s figure that differs from person to person. I am more agreeing to what is mentioned in the PowerPoint. They can be considered symbols of fertility. What I feel is that these figures objectified women and those women were seen as beings with heavy breasts and hips and nothing more than that.