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Triangle Shirtwaist Fire_HIST OF US SINCE 1877

Triangle Shirtwaist Fire_HIST OF US SINCE 1877

Q What demographic of people worked at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory? How do they reflect broader labor demographics during the progressive era?this demographic group reflects the labor division of the Progressive era. How did the public respond to the fire? Did public sympathy impact business regulation or labor laws on a local level in New York? (you might need to do some outside research for this one) Who is to blame for this horrible tragedy? Think critically for this question, consider all parties involved. How did this event illuminate Progressive goals to regulate labor conditions?Were the owners of the factory held accountable for this tragedy? Why or why not?

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There were 500 employees working in the Triangle Shirtwaist Company and almost 200 of them were women and among them there were teenage girls for the most part. This shows that during the progressive era women too worked in factories and that the teenage girls left their home to work in these factories and enjoyed independence. It all started with the Lowell Factories and this demographic group reflects the labor division of the Progressive era.