Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Traits to Strength Project

Traits to Strength Project

Q Instructions You are to complete this assignment as follows: Access the Psych Central Personality Test: Navigate to Quizzes then scroll down to Personality. Take the test by answering the questions as honestly as possible. Upon completion, find your comprehensive personality report on the five personality traits and reflect upon the positive aspects of your relationship with each trait. Choose the most positive information in the report and reflect upon how that trait is a personal strength that you possess. To begin your essay, state and highlight or indicate in italics or bold your positive Trait. It is not necessary to define the trait or reiterate the description of it from your results. Now, describe your reaction in the following ways: How does this trait represent who you are as a person? Were you surprised by the results? How does this trait act as a personal strength, and in what ways do you find having it important and helpful to your quality of life? Aside from the test results, what other character strength(s) do you feel you have, and how are they important or helpful in reference to your psychological well-being? Some examples include leadership, gratitude, spirituality, bravery, honesty, justice, perseverance, appreciation of beauty, wisdom, etc. You will want to address the answers to these questions clearly and completely as this is 25% of your grade on the essay. Next, explain how you can apply this personality trait / strength or your other strengths to the important areas of your life such as work, school, relationships, play, and/or parenting. You may even wish to use your strengths in a way that you have not done before and report on that. Again, please provide a thorough discussion, as this part is also worth another 25% of your grade on the essay. Submit your Traits to Strength Project to the assignment folder no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT. (This folder may be linked to Turnitin.)

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After taking the Psyche Central Personality Test, the most positive traits that I possess are Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness and Openness to Experiences. Next, I will explain how each trait represents who I am as a person. Extraversion is a trait that I believe represents me as a person because I naturally have a lot of energy and having such energy makes me feel good physically and emotionally on a daily basis. It also helps me in business with my clients and vendors to be able to have the attitude needed to seal the deal when it comes to sales. This trait helps with my family being able to keep up with my kids and have a good upbeat attitude to be the mother I need to be with them and show them