Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Training Document & Short Paper

Training Document & Short Paper

Q Develop a training document that you would use in an organization as a manager discussing the role of social media. Include any rules that you would want in place regarding social media within groups, teams, or by individuals. This document could be a PowerPoint presentation, or a handout. Write a short paper that is at least 1-2 pages long (in addition, include a cover page and reference page) that further discusses what role HR would have in this training document. Your document should be well organized and easy to follow. Include screenshots or other visual elements to enhance your document. Your paper should be formatted in APA style, and should contain a cover page and a reference page. Upload both the training document and your paper to your assignment submission. Click the assignment link to compare your work to the rubric before submitting it. Click the same link to submit your assignment. Due: Sunday at 11:59 p.m., CT Points Possible: 25

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The purpose of the Training Document is to ensure that social media concepts are made clear for the fresh minds in our organization. This is because every organizational member has to be alert of the restrictions established by our organization to utilize the social media (Pratt, 2018). The training document will ensure the illustration and explanation of acceptable ways of utilizing any website of the social media from the context of the perspective of a business owner.