Student Solution


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Total Rewards_OL 620 Module Eight Short Paper

Total Rewards_OL 620 Module Eight Short Paper

Q 1. How would offering telecommuting as an option benefit MedEx and its employees?2. List and explain the advantages, disadvantages, and challenges in offering telecommuting.3. Would you recommend telecommuting for MedEx? Why or why not?

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An alternative arrangement of work is represented by telecommuting where work is done by employees at house or few other sites besides the workplace. It is felt in the case of MedEx that offering telecommuting would benefit the firm in a definite manner as a choice to specialist of medical billing of theirs. Benefit would be received by the firm as costs of overhead would be decreased for supplies and office space while productivity being increased. Telecommuting can be considered as an efficient practice of retention and recruiting for staffs wanting in a strong manner to perform their tasks away from the premises of office.