Q Read the BP Disaster article and answer the following question: The article tells us that “BP set aside $3.5 billion for Clean Water Act fines, assuming $1,100 a barrel and its own estimate of 3.2 million barrels, according to an annual report extract posted on the company website.” While $3.5 billion is an incredible large amount of money, there had been speculation that perhaps they knowingly violated the Act, figuring that the money they stood to gain in the aggregate would far outweigh the fines. In other words, they gambled and hoped they would not be caught. In light of this possible business strategy, is this fine excessive? Why or why not? Gilbert, D. (2015, Jan 15). BP faces up to $13.7 billion in fines in deepwater Gulf spill case; judge rules oil company liable on 3.19 million barrels of crude that gushed into waters. Wall Street Journal (Online) https://search-proquest-com.cuw.ezproxy.switchinc.org/docview/1645768794?accountid=10249 Robertson, C., Schwartz, J. & PÉREZ-PEÑA, R. (2015). BP to pay $18.7 billion for deepwater horizon oil spill.
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