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Research Paper History of Terrorism Assignment

Terrorism Assignment

Q RESEARCH PAPER: HISTORY OF TERRORISM ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The student will complete a Research Paper which will provide an in-depth and detailed chronological history of terrorism as it pertains to the United States be it domestic or international be the activity on U.S. soil or abroad. The timeline will start with the founding of the country. You may create the timeline as you wish but you might consider from founding to WWI, post WWI to 1989 or 1990, then from 1990 onward or you may wish to create one more milestone that begins in 1990 to 9/11 then post 9/11. Be sure to cover types of terrorism, tactics, event history – growth and development, issues, and our responses, national security strategies or tactics for each era. Describe the linkage / responsibilities between local, state, and federal involvement. You do not need to go into detail on each group or type but do need to illustrate the types of groups etc. Discuss Biblical relevance as well. INSTRUCTIONS Items to include are outlined as follows: • Paper must be at least 5 full pages of content • A minimum of 5 references are required • Standard APA Formatting will be used • Student will include Biblical integration • Acceptable sources should be scholarly articles published within the last five years Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the SafeAssign plagiarism tool.

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Terrorism is an unlawful act of violence committed by an individual or a group on a domestic or international level. Although terrorism has a long history, the modern day terrorism has become extremely dangerous for the national and international security because of the fact that the modern terrorists are using every kind of violence and technology to be successful in their deeds. Terrorist organizations tend to use violence, fear and intimidation of the common people against the countries to fulfill various kinds of agendas. These terrorist organizations might have either political or even religious agendas. The United States is trying to prevent the terrorist attacks on both domestic and international levels and the counter terrorism strategies are being made based on studying the history of terrorism