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Solution 07.12.19

Solution 07.12.19

Q The research paper is: -Is the gene affected part of a known pathway ? What is the name of the pathway? Are genes involved in any other process molecular or functional? -Are there any studies done on the disease? How did they do the studies? Have they used population or something else e.g. Family. What Experimental Method they have used Is there any statistics involved in their analysis what kind of statistics, -Principal component analysis, Distributions etc etc etc What kind of software they have used for their statistical analysis Are there any methods to treat this disease (Do some google research for that) What method is that What is the basis of this method (Genetics) What stage the experiments are right now are they using humans or just animals Is there any company working on that and what they do what is the experimental method they are using -In the papers you have reviewed did they used any Next Generation approaches? If yes what are the software used, Are there any software similar to the ones they have used and if yes in what they are different? If they did not use any of the Next Generation Sequencing approaches, using the paper I have shared with you, think of a methodology to reanalyze data or create data to answer the same question. Hint: Do some google search on that to see if it has been already done something like that and describe it. These are the sources that I have found so far to use

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Obesity is a complex disease that involves a surplus amount of fat deposition in the body. It does not only a concern of beauty or cosmetics. If we see medically, it increases the risk of so many deadly diseases like cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and many other complications. Many people are nowadays suffering from the problem of obesity. It is combined factors which are influenced by both genetic as well as an environmental factor. The diet of the person is an important concern that matters for the regulation of the physique of the body.