Student Solution


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Sociology of Family in America_Discussion 5

Sociology of Family in America_Discussion 5

Q Read Chapter 15 in your textbook. Be sure to focus on pages 419 -425. I would like you to be sure and read pages 422 and 423 as well. Is divorce "bad" for children? Why or why not? How do you think divorced parents could help their children cope with a divorce? Do you think divorce in the United States should be harder to get? Why or why not?

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Divorce definitely has some bad impact on the children of all ages. The parents who think they need to divorce each other must share the decision with the children and calmly tell them about the consequences and also listen to their feelings. It can be really harmful if the parents just suddenly break the ice without even listening to what they have to say. It may be that the children will sometimes want to stop the whole thing from happening; in some cases they may show rage in some cases they may be passive to the matter (Lamanna, Riedmann, & Stewart, 2014 p. 422).