Student Solution


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Sociology Week 7 DQ

Sociology Week 7 DQ

Q 1. Visit the PBS Web site and view, Race: The Power of Illusion > Sorting People, and then select: Begin Sorting. See if you can sort the people into racial classifications just by the person's appearance. There will probably be many misclassified people. Click on the pictures to enlarge them. What does this exercise tell you about assumptions on 'races'? Write at least a good-size paragraph (1/2 a page) about your findings. 4. Does racism still exist? Explain you stance with examples. Next, explain the difference between individual-level racism and institutional racism and provide examples of each. Lastly, what are some ways we could minimize both types of racism? Which type might be more difficult to identify and eliminate and why?

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Racism is a social construct and has no real scientific basis. This gives rise to many inconsistencies and overlaps since these categories are all man made. This fact was well understood in the sorting exercise that we were asked to do in the first question. The exercise revealed that how we base the categories or divisions of people on our assumptions. Also, for majority of the common people the divisions are not that broad.