Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Social or Cultural capital

Social or Cultural capital

Q 1) Choose either the concept of social or cultural capital and explain how it has shaped your own personal life. For example, how has possessing or not possessing social capital impacted your opportunities or resources?

Q We learned in early chapters that Marx argued that one way to solve the problem of inequality is to redistribute wealth in society. He called that society socialism. Given Bourdieu's view that social and cultural capital can be as important as material capital, how could cultural or social capital be distributed? In what way do we distribute social and cultural capital today? For example, think about the role of education in distributing cultural capital.

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1. The concept of social capital has shaped my personal life as it has helped me to behave in certain groups. I can change my attitude and behavior according to the environment and setting. For example, I am a different person while working in my workplace and when I spend time with my friends and family. Social capital has provided me all of those values required for the social networks. Therefore, my opportunities have been developed following the social capital (Aldrich & Meyer, 2015). Social capital has influenced my interpersonal relationships in workplace and I have recently promoted for my great interpersonal skills for maintain relationships in my organization.