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Vrio -Apple_Single Assignment
Q IV b. Perform VRIO analysis on the company's resources and capabilities. (20 pts.) VI. Strategy Recommendations and Future Expectations (Recommendation/Suggestions to solve the strategic problems/Issues). (10 pts.)
The full form of VRIO is Value, rarity, inimitability and organized and this approach looks in to the resources and abilities of company. The four main resource or capability of company can be divided in branding, supply chain management, top executives and international product distribution. Lets us use the VRIO in all of these resource/ capabilities. When talking about branding there is no doubt that the Apple brand has immense value attached to it. The brand is rare in the sense that, the technology it brings is ahead of the time. It is also true that the product is inimitable. Coming to the organization part, the company is very well organized with capable men leading from the front.