Student Solution


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4 Subjects

2.15 Sibley p. 184

Sibley p. 184

Q 2.15 Sibley p. 184 (starting at bottom of page) What is one argument that Sibley makes about why cultures and communities create the other? 1. Write a short intro where you respond to the question in one or two sentences (keep in mind the project themes). 2. In the body of your response support your answer by referring to a specific passage from the reading in your own words. 3. Keep in mind the guidelines for understanding the reading and writing a good post. 4. Comment on one other post, elaborating, clarifying, or giving examples. 5. Extra points for responding to a comment on your initial post.

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One of the argument that Sibley makes about cultures and communities that create "the other" is by excluding other people with certain characteristics and personalities that we may find alarming or frightening. In the passage, "Feelings about Difference, Borders of Community" by David Sibley, It states "Exclusionary discourse draws particularly on colour, disease, animals, sexuality and nature, but they all come back to the idea of dirt as a signifier of imperfection and inferiority, the reference point being the white, often male, physically and mentally able person(185)."