Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Senior Seminars in Psychology_Article Review_Biological Basis of Behavior

Senior Seminars in Psychology_Article Review_Biological Basis of Behavior

Q Using the UMUC Library electronic databases, find an article from a recent issue of a peer-reviewed journal related to the biological basis of psychology, sensation and perception, or memory and cognition. The article should describe specifically an experimental manipulation by the researchers. Prepare a 1-2 page summary of the article in your own words including specifics regarding the overall purpose of the research in question, a clear statement of the researcher's hypothesis, details regarding the study methodology, and pertinent results of the manipulation. Also include your personal opinion of the work. Should it be repeated/ how can it be improved? What was your overall impression of the work? What are the implications of the study? Be sure to cite the article appropriately at the end of your review. Papers should be typed, double-spaced, and formatted according to APA Style.

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Neurotransmitters are responsible for specific behavior patterns in human beings. Thus, neurotransmitter systems are able to create specific behavior patterns in psychological disorders. Different neurotransmitters are utilized in the different neuronal network systems, namely, GABAergic, noradrenergic, dopaminergic etc. There was an early hypothesis that states that monoamine targeting drugs can affect the neural networks and the neurotransmitters that are important for mediating depressive feelings.