As you can see, if they aren't adequately controlled, crowds can be hazardous. So let's get started with some crowd control techniques that will help you prevent a catastrophe at your event.Your event planning process should include how you will handle the masses there. After choosing a location, you might consider how attendees will move around.A key component of developing your crowd management strategy is conducting risk assessments for the health and safety of attendees at your event. Decide how to protect people away from potential threats after identifying them.No matter how carefully you've planned your event, things might still go wrong. Because of this, you should always have a backup strategy in place.The NCAA is a voluntary association made up of colleges, universities, conferences, and other organisations that is run by committees that are headed by the membership. Within the governance structure, committee members must carefully strike a balance between their obligations to their individual institutions and/or conferences and the duty to advance the interests of the Association, the division, or the sport, and ultimately improve the experience for student-athletes. It is acknowledged that as a representative membership organisation, committee members' fiduciary obligations are first to their institution, second to their conference, and third to the Association. However, the fiduciary obligations of committee members to their own institution, their conference, and the Association typically do not conflict.