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Review Test Submission_ Exam 2 – (D01) Abnormal Psychology

Review Test Submission_ Exam 2 – (D01) Abnormal Psychology

Q 1.Disorders that consist of serious impairments in a child's reciprocal social interaction and communication and include stereotypical behaviors, interests, and activities are called .2.James thinks about killing himself and has come up with a specific plan about what to do. This most closely represents which of the following? Selected Answer: active suicidal ideation 3.Deaths resulting from suicide are probably underreported due to .4.Select the statement about cyclothymic disorder that is TRUE.5.The most common behavioral expression of anxiety is .

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1.Correct Answer: autism spectrum disorder2.Correct Answer: active suicidal ideation3.Correct Answer: misclassification of cause of death4.Correct Answer: It features alternate moods of hypomania and depression.5.Correct Answer: escape or avoidance