Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Research Paper (4)

Research Paper (4)

Q If you choose this option, you will complete a research paper. Your paper must address one of the following topics: 1. A paper considering the significance of Pentecost in Acts 2. The “coming of the Spirit” in Acts 2 is one of the most significant events in history. The purpose of this paper is to answer the question, “What exactly happened on that Pentecost day?”. The traditional view says that this is the coming of the Holy Spirit to inaugurate the Church Age. What, however, does that mean? Is this brand new without precedent? Given the importance of pneumatology in Scripture, it is helpful to have developed an understanding of precisely what happened on that day. 2. A paper investigating the role of baptism in the book of Acts. How does Luke present baptism in this important book? What role does baptism play in God’s plan of salvation? You will want to look at the relevant passages in Acts that describe baptism(s). You will also want to consider looking at some commentaries or other sources on the topic. 3. A paper offering an overview of Paul’s view of the Law as shown primarily in his letters to the Galatians and the Romans. Is the Law a problem? Is it evil, good, indifferent? What is the role of the Law in Paul’s gospel? 4. A consideration of Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” mentioned in 2 Corinthians 12. What are the various theories regarding this problem? Which one seems to best fit the context of 2 Corinthians? 5. If you wish to select a topic not listed above, you must secure approval from the instructor by the end of Module/Week 2 before you can pursue research on it. You must interact with at least 6 scholarly sources (e.g., journal articles, books, and commentaries). Stay away from general, devotional, and sermonic sources including Bible dictionaries, encyclopedias, popular preachers’ sermons, study Bibles, etc. You may use works by devotional writers including Ironside, Wiersbe, McGee, and others, but they will not count as one of your six required sources. Full-text version of many scholarly journal articles are available through the Liberty University Library; any peer-reviewed article in the ATLA database is an acceptable source. Keep in mind that much of the material you may find in places other than the Liberty University Library is outdated and popular, not scholarly. Thus, if you wish to use Internet sources other than any found through the Liberty University Library, you must secure permission from the instructor first. If you have any other questions about sources, please contact the instructor. Somewhere in your paper, mention research that is applicable to Christians of today’s world. Formatting: Keep the following in mind as you write your paper: • The paper must contain at least 12 but no more than 20 full-length pages with 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced text, and 1” margins all around. • Adhere to Turabian style in all other formatting details of the paper. The instructor must approve the use of any other style. The sample paper in Blackboard is provided for your help and is formatted in Turabian style. Your final paper must contain the following parts, in order: • Title Page: Make sure it is properly formatted and contains the paper title, course/section number, your name, your student ID number, and the date. • Table of Contents • Introduction • Main body (with thesis statement and footnotes) • Conclusion (including one or two sentences summarizing the issues and mentioning issues raised in the paper that warrant future consideration) • Bibliography The title page and bibliography do not count toward the required page total. Grading: Your paper will be graded partially for its depth, amount of interaction with the sources cited, and the form and quality of the scholarly content and sources. An “A” paper must adhere to Turabian style, use the proper font size, and include a strong bibliography. Consult the Research Project Rubric for further details on how you will be graded. Keep a copy of your finished paper in case something happens to your submitted copy. Question answered: A paper investigating the role of baptism in the book of Acts. How does Luke present baptism in this important book? What role does baptism play in God’s plan of salvation? You will want to look at the relevant passages in Acts that describe baptism(s). You will also want to consider looking at some commentaries or other sources on the topic.

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The following paper will be based on the topic of baptism. There will be explanations provided in the paper about the ways in which Jesus had shown the importance of every individual getting baptized. This is because the baptism of Jesus had been symbolic of the way in which every human being should cleanse him or her from the stain of the original sin. The importance of baptism also lies in the aspect that all the past sins of every human being will be forgiven by God when the act of baptism is actualized. There will be the utilization of at least 6 scholarly sources to get new insights about different perspectives developed for the topic of baptism. There will be the application of commentaries on the topic of baptism and related topics. The commentaries will enable the readers to understand the conceptual structure of baptism thoroughly and clearly.