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Reflective Journal 3

Reflective Journal 3

Q For this assignment, there are two options: 1. Post about the first journal prompt regarding the video on social media and the original prompt or write a post on the social media prompt. Social Media Reflective Journal Prompt: After watching the video linked in Week Three, what did you learn about the Social Media Etiquette and university policy at Lamar? What did you learn about ethical standards and how they pertain to what is posted on social media platforms? What is your plan for applying the information you learned in the video? Original Reflective Journal Prompt: Think reflexively: In any realm of life, have you ever left an encounter with a professional feeling as though you had been wronged? What were the details of that encounter? In what ways do you think that the professional’s behavior might have been unethical? What was it like for you to be at the receiving end of that behavior? What was it about the interaction that left a lasting impression on you? What might have been some of the professional’s personal experiences that had compelled her/him to behave in that way? When these types of situations occur, it is common that the person who acts unethically leaves the encounter with a different interpretation of the event and with little understanding of how the interaction has affected the other party. With this in mind, what can you take from your own experience of receiving unethical treatment to help you maintain ethical behavior in your own counseling practice? To create your journal entry, click on "Create Journal Entry" at the top of this page. On the next screen, title your entry "Reflective Journal 3", and type your response in the box provided. You may copy/paste text from a Word document into the box, if you prefer.

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After watching the Lamar University Social Media Etiquette video, I learned that I would follow the same rule of thumb I use on my personal social media, “If I don’t have something good to say, I won’t say anything at all.” I also learned that Lamar has its own social media policy, which lets me know this matter is taken seriously. I have a love hate relationship with social media. The love is the platform is used to see distant family and friends’ photos, words of inspirations and jokes. The hate of the platform is to see people bash each other, bully people, and lie about their life to make an impression on people, whereas you know the truth.