Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Reflective Journal 1

Reflective Journal 1

Q According to Frank Parsons, in choosing a vocation, an individual must possess three types of understanding: • Understanding of Self: What are my aptitudes? Abilities? Interests? Ambitions? Resources? Limitations? Why are these things true for me? • Understanding of Vocation: What are the advantages/disadvantages of doing this kind of work? How is success achieved in this profession? What is the potential compensation? What opportunities exist in the field? What different lines of work does this field include? • Understanding of the Relationship Between the Two: How do my personal attributes relate to (align with) what I know about this career field? You have chosen to pursue a career as a professional counselor. For this journal assignment, consider the three types of understanding that are outlined above, and speak to each of them. What do you know about yourself? What is your understanding of the counseling profession? How do your personal attributes relate to what you know about the profession and about the work that counselors do? To create your journal entry, click on "Create Journal Entry" at the top of this page. On the next screen, title your entry "Reflective Journal 1", and type your response in the box provided. You may copy/paste text from a Word document into the box, if you prefer.

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Frank Parson developed the idea that an ideal career is based on matching personal traits like skills, values, and personality, with job factors, such as pay and work environment. The better the fit, the higher an individual’s job satisfaction and success (, 2021). I agree with theory and believe if you do what you love, you will be successful. It sounds funny to give a understanding of myself, so I will pretend like I’m asking someone who knows me well. Maxine is a convergent thinker, a problem-solver, a great listener, has patience, motivating, giving, kind-hearted, positive, and peaceful. I pride myself in finding solutions to obstacles for myself and others.