Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Read and Response 2

Read and Response 2

Q Instructions 1. Read Chapters 1 & 2 of Reading Literature 2. Complete the following activities from Reading Literature and Writing Argument 7th ed: 1.4.2 Read and Respond (print or post answers) “Two Opposed Ideas” writing and posts 2.6.1 Think About it (print or post answers) ________________________________________

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You may approach your college education with concrete goals of getting a job and earning money, aspirations that often qualify as success in our society. The genres we are reading in this text (poetry, fiction, drama, nonfiction) may or may not be genres you will read in your eventual career. Consider and articulate how reading these genres and practicing the skills of reading creatively and reading critically may be beneficial in both your academic and your professional future. Your response: Reading different genres of literature can be beneficial in my academics and my professional future. After learning the different ways to synthesize reading, I am more confident in reading various genres. Poetry used to have me a little puzzled at first.