Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Risk Assessment Paper


Q The requirement for this assignment is to conduct a risk assessment of a real or fictional facility or building. This paper must be at least eight (8) pages and adhere to the stated policies for assignments. There are two models described in your Course Resource section (modules) which is in Course Content. Use the more simple process, the FEMA model outlined in the FEMA publication, Risk Assessment: A How-to Guide to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Buildings. Your paper will consist of an explanation of each step of the process as it relates to the facility of your choice. The process consists of the following steps: • threat identification and rating • asset value assessment • vulnerability assessment You can find more at either of the following,incremental%20approach%20to%20risk%20reduction%20in%20buildings%20was • risk assessment • consider mitigation options

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The following paper will be based on the conduction of a risk assessment of a fictional building in which the officials of the American government including the President frequently meet or visit. This implies that the risk assessment for a such a building will have to be done with all probabilities of risks. There cannot be any possibility of any terrorist threats ignored or avoided to be assessed. This is because the level of risk will always be high in such a building. The officials of the American government cannot be ignored while taking them into considering the in the process of risk-assessment.