Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Prison Programming (DB)_ Institutional Corrections

Prison Programming (DB)_ Institutional Corrections

Q 1. What documentary did you watch? 2. What type of program was featured?3. Were there any requirements of the inmates in order to participate in the program?4. How did the inmates show, talk about, and demonstrate change?5. In your opinion, is this a beneficial program? Should it be repeated/used in more locations? Why or why not?

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I am Markell McGraw and as insructed I watched the number 5 documentary named “Prison Pups” directed by Alice Dungan Bouvrie. It is shot at the Concord Farm correctional facility which is a minimum security prison.The program I saw is a prison documentary where some inmates were given the responsibility to train service dogs. These dogs would be then sent to accompany the handicapped and hearing impaired people.