Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects



Q To what extent should personal religious beliefs impact our decisions about business ethicsTo what extent do your personal religious (or non-religious) beliefs about life impact your sense of business ethics and personal decision-making? Does it seem odd to connect every belief we have about life back to what we believe about God? Article 1- “What is a worldview and why is it important to me?” Has your answers to either of the first two questions changed after reading article 1? Do you believe in absolute truth? Is there more than one way/religion to understanding absolute truth about God and the meaning of life?

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The personal religious beliefs possess enough capability to impact our decisions about the business ethics. From the religious beliefs an individual can be influenced and motivated (Ferrell et al. 2013). The ethical initiatives and the viewpoints can be changed from the personal religious beliefs. Even on certain occasions the religious beliefs can play an important role for the ultimate decision making. However, the religious beliefs of an individual can be interfered with the judgment of mine while I will be taking any decision regarding discrimination.