Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Performance Appraisal and the Reality of Work

Performance Appraisal and the Reality of Work

Q For this discussion activity, suppose you work for a company whose performance appraisal process is used to fulfill more than one purpose. Share your views on whether this process fairly measures performance. Draw upon your readings and, if possible, your personal experience to justify your views. Then discuss what you would change about the system if it was up to you. Explain.

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In my organization, the performance appraisal process usually satisfy the employees. I think that this existing procedure of performance appraisal is perfect for measuring the performance of the employees. I work in a retail company, therefore, we have to work for long hours. It is the duty of the higher management to fulfill the desires of the employees in order to bring out their best performances in a proper manner. The basic functions of the performance appraisal has been followed in my company.