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Organizational Process Analysis -Dq

Organizational Process Analysis -Dq

Q Provide a link to a website of an e-commerce business you particularly admire. Discuss why you admire it.

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I think my answer would be a bit cliché as I would choose the Amazon Inc for this discussion post. According to a published report on 2018, Amazon has owned the 49.1 percent of U.S. ecommerce market. The most notable competitor of Amazon is eBay, which consists only 6.6 percent of the market (Thomas & Reagan, 2018) ( When, company becomes so dominating then it is really tough to discuss about the market without it. But, personally I have chosen Amazon because I have found this is one of the most customer-centric ecommerce companies. Yes, most of the e-commerce companies offer the competitive price and the free shipping for a large variety of merchandise. But, among all the competitors Amazon always try to improve the service by using the innovative technology.