Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Operation Management and Culture

Operation Management and Culture

Q Watch the movie “Gung Ho” (1986) online or otherwise. Please submit your answer in outline form. (1) Outline a short summary of the movie. (2) Describe the conflict between the Japanese and the Americans from an operations management prospective. (3) What would be the problems if the Chinese open a factory in America similar to how the Japanese did in “Gung Ho”? (4) How would the problems be different? Do not use a cover sheet, but please put your name at the top of the first page.

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This movie is based on the Assan motors that produced cars but closed from last 9 month but the company is having issues from last 2 years. This thing also put a huge impact on the factory workers and they don’t have any employment. In this movie, the major character was the Stevenson who is working as a leader or the having one of the key posts in the Assan Motors. He went Japan to call a capable team of Suzuki so they come here and help them to run their company once again. When the Japanese Executive come in the USA and started they work with the Stevenson and its labor force in the Assan Motors.